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Cloud computing seminar free download


Cloud computing

 Introduction to Cloud computing:

       The popular tread in today's technology is 'cloud computing'. The term cloud refers to a network or internet.

i.e. cloud is something which is present at remote location. Cloud can provide services over private and public networks i.e., WAN,LAN or VPN. Application such as e-mail,web conferencing,Customer Relationship Management (CRM) execute on cloud.


 Cloud computing - overview:

  • Cloud computing is the delivery of computing resources,including storage,processing power,databases,networking,analytics,artificial intelligence and software applications -over the internet on demand.
  • Cloud computing can also be referred to as the storing and accessing of data over the internet and not using your computer's hard drive.
  • In cloud computing,data is stored at a remote and is synchronized with other web information. File:Cloud computing af.svg - Wikimedia Commons

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